Lego Tower

Friday, May 05, 2006

Where Oh Where ... Can I Build a Tower

I know I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy putting together the pieces for my next Lego tower. I think I can make one over 30 ft tall. But where can I build it? It needs to be indoors because the thin pillar approach probably cannot take too much wind. It won't fit in my house at that height. Indoor places that are 30 ft tall are not that common. Atriums. Gymnasiums. Theaters. Are any of those places going to let me build a Lego tower? I don't know.

The ideal location would have sturdy place for me to stand and build every six feet or so. That is probably impossible but I have thought that a stairwell might work. The opening between the flights would have to be wide enough for the tower. Maybe just a big room like a gymnasium with a scissors lift, like this one.

If anyone has any specific ideas where I can build a 30 to 40 foot tower indoors, especially in the northwest Chicago suburbs, it would be great. Just post your idea as a comment.


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